
Friday, August 19, 2011

Cloth Diaper Crazy!


Before our son was born, after much research, we made the decision to cloth diaper. Before the research I pictured a piece of fabric safety pinned to a baby, messy clean ups and lots and lots of work. However, I knew that cloth diapering was becoming popular so I wanted to know what it was all about.
Boy was I wrong! Cloth diapering has come a long way! There are several different kinds of cloth diapers to choose from.

First are prefolds. They are a square piece of fabric made up of layers. The middle contains more layers making it more absorbent. They are folded around baby and fastened with a snappi or safety pins. This type of diaper needs a diaper cover.

Next are fitteds. These have snaps or velcro that fasten to keep the diaper on. These also need a diaper cover to keep clothing dry.

Contoured diapers are similar to prefolds but are shaped more like a regular diaper to fit baby. They are trim and do not need a snappi or pins. These will need a diaper cover.

All In One's are very similar to a disposable diaper. They are shaped the same way and fasten using snaps or velcro. There are many layers built into the diaper which take them a lon time to dry.

Pockets are similar to All In One's except that the lining inside have a pocket that allows you you control absorbency by stuffing then with absorbent inserts.

Covers are shaped like a diaper but do not have an absorbent lining. They are made with a waterproof material and fasten with snaps or velcro.

Diapers often are one size and can be made larger or smaller using a series of snaps.
They come in many different colors and patterns. During my research I read by many moms that cloth diapering is not only easy, it's enjoyable and slightly addicting to collect so many beautiful diapers! Aside from the aesthetics, they are great for anyone trying to go green! Nearly 92% of disposable diapers end up in landfills and are
estimated to take 250-500 years to decompose.
They also help prevent diaper rash because they are changed more often and are not filled with synthetic absorbent chemicals.

My baby boy loves his prefolds and covers. It makes mama and daddy happy too to be able to save money on not having to stock up on diapers we are going to just throw away!


  1. I'm always happy to hear of successful cloth diapering. We prepared for it, but also ended up moving, etc. within six weeks of delivery. I knew living in a hotel would be stressful enough, so I ended up doing the exact opposite of all my planning. Met you through Co. bloggy moms.

  2. Oh I know how it is planning for something and it not going your way! Hey! I didn't know if anyone ever got on that group! :)
